Δευτέρα 19 Απριλίου 2010

Of Mice and Men responce

Feeling responsible for someone can be a burden.: Yes i believe that feeling responsible for someone can be a burden because that will make you take time from your own life spend less time with your own family trying to show the other person how to do the correct thing. But on the other hand helping people gives you satisfaction and that is why most people do help each other.
It is more acceptable for women to love their female friends that it is for men to love their male friends.: Yes i believe that it is more acceptable for women to love their female friends because women are less competative in things than men and usually men want to be better than one another also they dont share their feelings and secrets with one another. But their are some cultures that men feel the same love that women feel and might end up kissing each other. (not on the cheek)
There are times when mercy killing can be justified.: Yes i believe that mercy killing can be justified because people that get hurt in war and their injuries are beyond repair or suffer from diseases that cannot be cured sometimes they pray to die because they are in enormous ammounts of pain. Another scenario where mercy killing is justified is when the person is at a koma for a long time not just five or ten years but as back as his family can remember then it is justified because that person might never snap out of it and he is going to be tortured for the rest of his life so they pull the plug to take him out of his misery. However their are religions that believe that only god should have the power to take people to his kingdom and not other people.
By Marios Kitrou
9th Grade 17/4/2010